Board of Directors
Note: Sunny Ommanney, Founder and Alex Saunders, Secretary & CFO serve on the Board of Directors.

Louise Westerlind - Partner & Managing Director,
Louise is a Partner and Managing Director at, which provides gift experiences for all occasions. She was previously at the World Bank (CGAP - Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) where she managed the Rating Fund, researched microfinance investment vehicles and socially responsible/sustainable investments, and established relationships between microfinance investors and institutions/partners. Prior to CGAP, Louise was in financial services consulting and research.
Louise currently volunteers at and Her prior volunteer work has been with the Swedish Seamen’s Church (Treasurer and Board Member), StreetWise Partners (Mentor), Association of International Business and Economics, and Copenhagen Business School (Marketing Coordinator). She lived, studied, and worked in Denmark, Hong Kong, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Louise received her BSc in International Business from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA from University of Cambridge.
Louise is a Partner and Managing Director at, which provides gift experiences for all occasions. She was previously at the World Bank (CGAP - Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) where she managed the Rating Fund, researched microfinance investment vehicles and socially responsible/sustainable investments, and established relationships between microfinance investors and institutions/partners. Prior to CGAP, Louise was in financial services consulting and research.
Louise currently volunteers at and Her prior volunteer work has been with the Swedish Seamen’s Church (Treasurer and Board Member), StreetWise Partners (Mentor), Association of International Business and Economics, and Copenhagen Business School (Marketing Coordinator). She lived, studied, and worked in Denmark, Hong Kong, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Louise received her BSc in International Business from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA from University of Cambridge.